AI Pack: Vegetation

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The vegetation pack includes a vectorized set of layers that delineate above ground vegetation into approximate height based groupings.

Pack layers


Offline Delivery

AI Feature API

MapBrowser Visualization

(All Generations)



Characteristics and Recommended Use

The Medium & High Vegetation (>2m) layer is the most useful and highest quality layer in the group. The other two are best considered as "support" layers, for situations such as overlapping Low and Medium/High vegetation, to denote some ambiguity between a tree and a large bush.

Results tend to be highly robust to leaf-on vs leaf-off situations, although the raster (and corresponding vector features) may be slightly smaller due to the difficulty in identifying the smallest bare branches and twigs on leaf-less trees.

Typical use cases include:

  • Vegetation management (identifying where trees overlap with other assets such as buildings or electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure).
  • Fire and storm risk assessment for properties and areas.
  • Assessing change over time using historical results (for this, we recommend seasonally matched surveys are used).
  • Combining with our DSM and DEM data to produce height contours for more detailed analysis.

Nearmap conducted a study on the tree cover changes using the vegetation AI data. Read about this study here:

API Notes for Large Objects

The AI Feature API truncates feature classes in the vegetation pack to the intersection of the feature with the query AOI. This is because a vegetation feature can be almost unbounded in size, such as a forest in a national park, which clearly cannot be returned in a sensible way in a single API payload.

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